Parents strongly support the school. They value the welcoming environment in which their children learn effectively and feel happy.
School uniform
- Green Sweatshirt or Cardigan (preferably with School Logo on)
- White shirt or collared white polo shirt
- Grey or Black Trousers
- Black or Grey Skirt
- Green & White Dress (Summer Term Only)
- Black or Grey Tights (no leggings) or White/Black/Grey Sock
- Book Bag with School Logo
School shoes should be sensible, comfortable outdoor shoes in black. They should be flat, no crocs or trainers, and please avoid high heels and platforms. In the interests of safety and security, jewellery is not allowed to be worn other than a watch and small stud earrings for pierced ears. Earings must be taped or taken out when doing PE/Sports. Long to shoulder length hair should be tied back. In the winter months, unless the weather is very wet, our children will continue to have outdoor break times where they can run around so waterproof warm coats, scarfs, gloves and hats should be brought in every day to school. During the summer months we ask that sun hats are provided and that sun cream is applied first thing and that children bring sun cream with their names written on so they can reapply at break and lunchtimes.
P.E. kit
In the interest of safety children must wear the appropriate kit for all P.E./games lessons and sports clubs.Your child will need the following:
- Plain green t-shirt (preferably with school logo on)
- PE/Swim Bag with School name
- Black Shorts
- Black Jogging Trousers
- Pumps/Daps
- Trainers