Leaders have transformed the provision for pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities.
Mrs Rebecca Gray is the school SENCo and can be contacted via SENCo@downampney.gloucs.sch.uk or by phoning the office on 01793 750294.
Our SEN governor is Jemima Horton.
As part of the Children and Families Bill 2014, we are required to annually provide information to parents about how we implement our Special Educational Needs policy and how we contribute to Gloucestershire County Council Local Education Authority’s (LEA) Local Offer. The Local Offer aims to give families details about how they can support children and young people with a special educational need and/or disability (SEND).
Down Ampney is an inclusive school that strives to support all children in becoming successful learners, enabling them to aim for and achieve their best. To accomplish these aims, we offer a creative curriculum with quality first teaching. We provide effective support for children with special educational needs and disabilities, starting from our first contact with parents and carers when a child enters school.
Follow the link to the Gloucestershire County Council Local Education Authorities Local Offer.
You may find the Gloucester Family Information Service useful.
You may view our SEND Policy here