Teachers have high expectations of pupils’ achievement and behaviour.
At Down Ampney Primary School, we are committed to providing all children with a robust foundation in science, enabling them to develop a profound comprehension of the world around them. Our aim is to equip our children with the essential skills and knowledge that will empower them to think scientifically and critically. We foster a culture of curiosity among our pupils, encouraging them to question, investigate, and explore the wonders of the universe. By instilling a love for learning and discovery, we aim to nurture inquisitive minds that seek to understand scientific processes and principles.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure that children not only grasp the fundamental concepts of science but also appreciate the significance and impact of scientific advancements in today’s world and the future. Through exposure to a diverse range of renowned scientists and historical breakthroughs, children will gain a holistic perspective on the evolution of science and its implications for society. Children are encouraged to make connections with prior learning as well as other areas of science.
By engaging with varied scientific disciplines and encouraging hands-on investigation, we strive to inspire a generation of young thinkers who are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of the modern world through a lens of scientific understanding and inquiry.
We engage with STEM ambassadors to enable children to see how science is represented in the wider world and provide opportunities for children to apply their scientific skills in real world contexts.
Science learning begins in EYFS, where children are encouraged to make sense of the world around them through playing, observing and asking questions. Children are naturally curious and keen to explore the world around them with awe and wonder. We make the most of their desire to learn in a hands-on way by providing accessible and engaging opportunities to develop scientific talk, develop their observation skills through both adult led and independent exploration.
Find out more about our approach to science teaching in Early Years here.
At Down Ampney Primary School, Science lessons are carefully designed with a skilled-based learning objective to ensure that students acquire key scientific knowledge progressively. Each lesson maintains a clear scientific focus, fostering the development of both scientific knowledge and enquiry skills. As children progress through the year groups, the depth and challenge of their scientific understanding are enhanced, guided by a comprehensive long-term plan.
In KS1 and KS2, we follow a 2-year rolling programme of study. As members of the ASE (Association of Science Education), we plan our progression in Knowledge and Working Scientifically skills carefully so that children build on their knowledge and skills year by year, using the PLAN (Pan-London Assessment Network) progression matrices. To enable us to both stretch and support children in their scientific learning and to evaluate their progress, we use the Teacher Assessment in Primary Science (TAPS) project, which is based at Bath Spa University and funded by the Primary Science Teaching Trust (PSTT).
Find out more about this approach.
Lessons are engaging, adapted to meet the needs of all learners, and provide regular opportunities for pupils to develop their investigative and practical skills. Teachers support and extend children’s existing knowledge and ongoing assessment of both skills and knowledge allows teaching staff to identify and address the next steps in each child’s scientific development. Gaps in skills and knowledge are addressed during the 2-year cycle to ensure children are able to meet expected standards, supported by robust evidence.
Detailed unit overviews equip teaching staff with the necessary subject knowledge and a chronological understanding of students’ prior learning. Teachers have strong subject and pedagogical knowledge, supported by CPD. Regular CPD opportunities enable our educators to deliver high-quality teaching, while also staying alert to potential scientific misconceptions that children may encounter. Our Science Lead collaborates closely with STEM/Adfecto and serves as an accredited Professional Development Lead, facilitating CPD sessions for professionals in the local community.
Children are enthused by their Science learning and demonstrate a secure understanding of key scientific concepts, being able to apply their knowledge to new situations independently. They exhibit enthusiasm and curiosity for Science, with a high level of engagement and participation in lessons and extracurricular scientific activities. Progress in Science is consistently good across all pupil groups, with appropriate support provided for those who need it. Pupils show a high level of confidence in their scientific abilities and are motivated to explore and investigate the world around them. The positive impact of our Science provision is also reflected in pupils’ exemplary attitudes towards teamwork, resilience, and problem-solving, preparing them to be responsible and informed citizens in an increasingly scientific and technological world.
Down Ampney Primary School is also a member of the Ogden Trust Schools Partnership, which means we receive funding for incredible science resources, as well as staff training and the opportunity to collaborate with the other schools in our cluster. More information on our schools partnership can be found here.
Together, with other local schools, we have formed a STEM Enthuse Cluster. The collaborative nature of this cluster creates a dynamic environment where educators collectively explore innovative teaching strategies, share best practices, and inspire each other to elevate STEM education.
The impact on the children in our schools is hugely positive; they benefit from a richer and more diverse range of STEM activities; engaging in hands-on experiments; collaborative projects and they are exposed to real-world applications of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Through shared resources and expertise, our students gain access to a broader spectrum of STEM opportunities, fostering a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom. Find out more about the Enthuse partnerships here.
Our 2 Year Rolling Long Term Plan
Please look at the attached PLAN progression documents to see how skills and knowledge are built from EYFS to Year 6.
Progression in working scientifically