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Governors are unwavering in their support for the school. They challenge leaders effectively to gain a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for development.


Governor Information and Duties


The Governing Body of Down Ampney C of E Primary is made up of representatives from the Local Authority, the Diocese of Gloucester, Staff, Parents and the Community; they offer a variety of skills that are required to manage the school effectively. The appointment of Governors and the way they conduct school business is laid down by an Education Act.

The principle job of the Governing Body is to provide a strategic view, to act as a critical friend and to ensure accountability. The Full Governing Body meets regularly, at least once a term. The detailed business is delegated to one committee who meet often as necessary and is called Finance, Premises and Personnel. All key policy decisions proposed by the committee require the approval of the Full Governing Body. Visits to the school also take place on a regular basis.

As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. While we regularly collect diversity information from our governors, the small board membership limits, to a degree, the ability to include diverse voices via membership. This makes it especially important that we recognise our own limitations and biases in order to:

  • Target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity.
  • Develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation.
  • Prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas.
  • Address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks.

Our Chair of Governors is Mr Geoffrey Booth and our Vice-Chair is Mrs Clare Smith.

View our Governor Code of Conduct here.

View Our Governor’s Instrument of Government.

Chair of Governors

Geoffrey Booth

My family and I moved to Down Ampney in 2003 and my son spent his last two years of primary education at the village school.  I believe that the school is a core part of our village and I am delighted to be able to support its ongoing management and development.

I had a full career in the RAF, serving for nearly 35 years, before hanging up my uniform in 2012.  Since then I have primarily worked as a consultant covering Defence, Aviation and Crisis/Emergency Response Planning. I have also held a pro-bono governance and scrutiny position with a housing association.  I was appointed as the Local Authority Governor in November 2018 and have now been elected as Chair of Governors. 

We face many challenges looking ahead. With the support of my fellow governors we aim to help the school to progress in delivering the education that all children deserve and to be the one which parents choose for their children.


Clare Smith

I qualified as a teacher in 2005 and have worked in a high school and a local sixth form college. I have had several roles during this time including teaching A levels, BTECs, GCSEs and now the new T Level in Childcare and Education. My main subject area is Psychology with particular interest in mental health and forensic psychology.

For 5 years I was involved in training new FE teachers and I have since supported many new members of staff in my team and across the college. Since having my daughter, my interest in child psychology has increased and I have completed an Early Years Diploma, along with certificates in child psychology and special educational needs.

I have a particular interest in early years, as I currently teach students who are aiming for careers in early years or working in primary schools. I look forward to using my knowledge and skills to enable the school to support the wellbeing of the school community as well as the children’s academic success.

Mrs Gray


Rebecca Gray

I have been teaching in small and medium-sized schools throughout Gloucestershire since 1997. I became Headteacher of Down Ampney in January 2021. 

It’s an absolute joy to still have a teaching commitment and be able to lead and mentor colleagues while maintaining that vital classroom connection. 

I am fortunate to lead a dedicated and talented team and to enjoy the support and assistance of an active governing body, diocese and PTA. 

Foundation Governor

Jemima Horton

I live in Poulton, and have two grandchildren living locally who attend the school.

I have run my own business and during this time I was also an elected councillor, first in Swindon and then in Wiltshire. I recently retired as a Non-Executive Director at the Great Western Hospital.

I have always been passionate about education. I believe all children deserve a rounded education to help them achieve their full potential.


Frances Gleed

I am currently Head of Expressive Arts at Cirencester Deer Park School, and have been teaching Drama and Dance there since 2012. Whilst working at Deer Park, I have taught 5 different subjects in a range of mixed ability classes. As a Head of Faculty, I am responsible for monitoring key groups of pupils and so am knowledgeable on SEND, Pupil premium, etc. I have lived locally for 11 years now and so have developed links and contacts which can benefit pupils with their education.

I have a passion for ensuring all pupils have opportunities, despite their background. I have led on projects and trips with a range of pupils, from a group of 5 dancers at dance club to 180 pupils working on a school musical. I have sought out opportunities for our pupils to involve themselves in local community projects, as well as providing them with once in a lifetime opportunity such as performing at Wembley Stadium. I like young people to think bigger than what they first thought they could achieve, and I have the knowledge and training to help ensure this is possible for pupils in education.


Ex-Officio Foundation Governor

Rev Canon John Swanton

I have been Team Rector of the South Cotswolds Team Ministry in the Gloucester Diocese since July 2014, which comprises some 22 historic churches across 15 rural parishes with a team of clergy. I have direct responsibility for five rural parishes in ‘The Ampneys’ near Cirencester and have been there since September 2011.

Before that, my career had been in housing for some 26 years. I have a wide range of experience and expertise in housing management, development, finance and community engagement. I championed rural housing and housing options for older people and people with special needs. I was a member of the Local Government Association’s expert advisory panel on the reform of Council Housing (HRA) Finance (2008-2011). When working for a local authority, I had a lead role in safeguarding and liaison with health and social services.

At present, I am a Governor of two small village Primary Schools; a Trustee of a small educational trust and a local community trust. I am a member of the Diocese of Gloucester’s Houses Committee and Diocesan Synod. I am a Trustee of a national grant-making Trust – ‘The Sons and Friends of the Clergy’.

I enjoy gardening, historic buildings, walking the family dog and keeping bantams. I am married to Nicola and we have a daughter Eleanor, who is studying medicine at Leeds University.

Staff Governor

Sophy Homan-Green

I love the way that everyone works together and supports each other at Down Ampney, both the children and the adults alike. There is a real sense of devotion to continual improvement whilst still upholding the school’s vision and values. There are strong, positive relationships with every member of the school community.


Parent Governor

Olivia Ogbomo

My daughter joined the school in September 2022 and has loved every second of it. I see this role as a great opportunity for me to support the village school. I hope to enable Rebecca and her team to continue in providing a supportive and positive educational experience for all the students at Down Ampney.

I am a physiotherapist by profession, but currently working as a project manager in the civil service. This is my first experience in a governor role and I feel extremely lucky to be serving alongside people with such a wealth of experience.

Outside of work I help run Fairford Netball Club as well as play for them. I’m an all round sport enthusiast and I’m looking forward to supporting the school in this area.

Parent Governor

Pip Taylor

I am a parent governor, I joined in 2021, my son is currently attending the school, and we live just on the out skirts of the village.
I am a firm believer that schools form the heart of every village and that small rural schools are particularly important. 
Education is the greatest gift, and I hope to be able to support my fellow governors and teaching staff at the school in any way I can to help our school to thrive and develop in this ever-changing world.
I was brought up on a farm, so all aspects of the countryside and farming are very dear to me. I was part of the local Young Farmer Organisation for many years, and currently have been Chair / Vice Chair of the VWH Riding Club for the past 15 years.
I joined the NHS Ambulance Service in 2003 and work as a Paramedic from Cirencester Station. Its a privilege to help those in need and at times truly humbling, but its making a difference is what counts.

Parent Governor

Dr Febin Basheer

I am a parent governor, and my son is having a fantastic time at this nurturing and caring environment.  I believe this is a great opportunity for me to support the school in creating a positive learning environment, by ensuring that the vision of the school is carried forward.

I am a General Practitioner by profession and hold numerous senior leadership roles within the healthcare sector which links me closely with the communities that I serve.  I have previous experience of being a governor at a primary school in Swindon and understand the accountability and strategic thinking that comes with the role.  

I will be a critical friend to the school, working collaboratively with the rest of the Governors to ensure the best possible outcomes for all children at the school, striving for excellence in both the teaching as well as the enrichment opportunities.

Parent Governor

Mr Nathan Barnett

“I have lived in Gloucestershire my whole life. My wife and I moved to Cirencester 12 years ago, and to Down Ampney three years ago. I have one child at the school and one joining shortly.

The school and community were important in our decision to move to the village, and I’m pleased to join an experienced governing team at the school to help build on the excellent work to date.

I have a background in digital marketing and have helped to launch and grow several businesses in the local area. I have also served in leadership and consultant roles at large national and international organisations.”

Governor's Strategic Plan

The principal job of the Governing Body is to provide strategic leadership, to act as a critical friend and to ensure both accountability and, where required, compliance with statutory and contractual requirements.

As part of that strategic leadership the Governors have developed Strategic Priorities for the period 2023-2028 which considers the school’s vision, ethos and strategy which can be found at the link below. 

In addition to strategic leadership, the Governing Body’s other two core functions are about creating robust accountability by holding the Headteacher to account for both educational performance, and for financial and organisational performance to ensure that money is well spent.

As part of delivering these tasks the Full Governing Body meets regularly, at least once a term.

Register of Pecuniary and other commitments:

There are no other interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff. No other member of the governing body performs a governance role in educational institutions. There are no pecuniary or other interests declared.

Governor terms and meeting record 2022-2023

Eligible meetings
Sophy Homan-Green
Staff governor 10/09/21 – 09/09/25
Chris Nott
Parent governor 21/11/19 – 20/11/23
Phil Fryer-Ward
Parent governor 01/09/19 – 31/08/23
Geoffrey Booth
Chair & LA Governor 01/09/22 – 31/08/26
John Swanton
Ex-officio 01/09/11 – ongoing
Rebecca Gray
Ex-officio Headteacher 01/01/21 – ongoing
Clare Smith
Governor appointed by Governing Body 31/03/22 – 30/03/26
Jemima Horton
Foundation Governor 01/02/23 – 31/01/27
Pippa Taylor
Parent governor 10/10/22 – 09/10/2026
Febin Basheer
Parent governor 06/10/22 – 05/10/2026
Nathan Barnett
Parent governor 01/08/2023 – 01/08/2027
Frances Gleed
Co-Opted 04/07/2023 – 03/07/2027

Governor terms and meeting record 2021-2022

Eligible meetings
Penelope Morse
Foundation governor 01/11/19 – 31/08/22
Sophy Homan-Green
Staff governor 10/09/21 – 09/09/25
Chris Nott
Parent governor 21/11/19 – 20/11/23
Trevor Gillis
Parent governor 21/11/19 – 31/08/22
Phil Fryer-Ward
Parent governor 01/09/21 – 31/08/23
Geoffrey Booth
LA Governor 14/11/18 – 12/11/22
James Powell
Parent governor 01/09/18 – 31/08/22
John Swanton
Ex-officio 01/09/11 – ongoing
Rebecca Gray
Ex-officio Headteacher 01/01/21 – ongoing
Clare Smith
Governor appointed by Governing Body 31/03/22 – 30/03/26
Jemima Horton
Foundation Governor 01/02/23 – 31/01/27