"The curriculum is interesting and varied and motivates pupils to succeed."
The Corinium Education Trust
Chiquita Henson
CEO Corinium Education Trust
As Trust Lead (CEO) of The Corinium Education Trust, I am privileged to work with a great team of school leaders. Together, with our staff, trustees and local governing bodies, we are making a difference and bringing about school improvements.
As Chair of The Corinium Education Trust’s strategic leadership group which meets fortnightly, I am able to provide direction. Through close collaboration and in genuine partnership, we are finding innovative solutions to many of the issues schools currently face.
We share the same values and ambition for all across our learning community; we challenge and support each other. We are committed to improving the learning and life chances of children and young people in Cirencester and across the South Cotswolds and to developing our staff. Three of our primary school leaders have progressed onto headships. While we started small in 2018, we continue to evolve as an organisation.
We initiated an open conversation about the local education landscape in 2022-23 following the publication of the White Paper, ‘Opportunity for all: strong schools with great teachers for your child’. This gave rise to a local collaborative ‘Year of Reading’ in 2023-24 and an extended conversation about the future.
We have sponsored Chesterton Primary School and continue to facilitate its progress to ‘good’. We are also looking forward to working with colleagues at Sherborne C of E Primary School who have been given conditional consent by the Diocese of Gloucester to join the Trust in 2023-24.
We are working with our local community in Cirencester to plan for and open The Steadings Primary School in 2025. The development of this new primary school is a long term project. We are very grateful to the Regional Schools’ Director and Gloucestershire County Council for the confidence and faith they have in our multi-academy trust.
I am very proud to lead The Corinium Education Trust and of our achievements to date. To find out more about what we offer and how you can be a part of our journey, please contact me on C.Henson@coriniumeducationtrust.net.