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Children come home ‘buzzing with information’ and wanting to share knowledge.


Year 3/4 Units of Work

Autumn TermSpring TermSummer Term
ScienceAnimals, including HumansForces and MagnetsLightPlantsRocks and Soils
HistoryAchievements of the Earliest CivilisationsAncient EgyptInvasion and Expansion:
GeographyRiversRainforestsSouth America: The Amazon
ComputingNetworks and SystemsCreating MediaProgrammingDataCreating MediaProgramming
ArtGestural Drawing with CharcoalCloth, thread and printTelling stories through drawing and making
DTFoodStructuresMechanical Systems
MusicThis little light of mineMy fantasy football teamThe doot doot songFanfare for the common manGlobal pentatonicsFavourite song
PSHEMe and my relationshipsValuing differenceKeeping safeRights and respectBeing my bestGrowing and changing
REWhat does it mean for someone to follow God?What is the Trinity and why is it important for Christians?What do Hindus believe that God is like?What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?For Christians, what was the impact of Pentecost?How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people?
MFLPhonics (1&2) andAnimalsFruitsI am able / I know how toPresenting myselfRomans
PEPersonalSocialCognitiveCreativePhysicalHealth and Fitness